Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Lenten Rule-Bender"

One could not imagine the time that I spent
Figuring out what to give up for Lent.
The frustration of it nearly moved me to tears,
Well what had I given up in previous years?

I knew that I had given up soda before,
But I really don't drink it that much anymore.
I decided to make that the first thing on my list,
Along with at least one thing that I'd truly miss.

While deciding on another food that would be forsaken,
I thought of how often I get cravings for bacon.
Bacon is the second thing I chose to sacrifice.
However, I ended up eating it twice.

There had been one thing that sat in the back of my mind--
I would give up eating ice cream of any kind.
Upon reflection, I realized that this couldn't be,
For ice cream was one thing that was too dear to me.

It seems that in the end, all my effort went to waste,
I could not keep myself from all these great tastes.
Next year, I will pick one single thing to surrender,
Then I won't be a Lenten rule-bender.