Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Decisions, Decisions"

They asked "Are you going on the 'Challenge' trip?" 
"Yes!", I said. This was something I couldn't skip!
But unfortunately, one thing I didn't yet know,
That day was immediate decision for Ramapo.

School always comes first, that goes with out saying.
Instead of making my decision, I kept delaying.
I hadn't yet written my essay for that school,
And I didn't want to rush it and look like a fool.

Maybe it would be better to apply a different time,
But skipping this chance felt like such a crime.
Soon I got called down to the guidance office.
I knew they'd get mad if I decided to miss.

However, they had some good news to tell.
I could do both things, this turned out well!
I would go to immediate decision first.
And then on the trip, it could've been worse.

This would turn out to be a pretty good day,
But how nervous I was is hard to convey.
However, that feeling was soon intercepted
By a feeling of joy, I got accepted!

The rest of the day turned out to be fun.
Looking back, I wish that we'd won.
But overall, my day had been good.
The importance of decisions was now understood!

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Hassle of Homecoming"

So much work it is preparing for a dance
As student council members, this was our chance
To show everyone that we could succeed
This dance would be spectacular and worth it, indeed!

One aspect that would make this dance so great
Was the wonderful food we would put on the plates
We asked for donations and paid for some food
What helped us so much was our hopeful attitude

Booking a DJ would prove to be tricky
But with our sources it happened so quickly
Our advisor found a guy who we reserved for the day
It was a relief to have that part out of the way

We bought decorations to fit our fall theme
We couldn't get over how cute our theme seemed
It was coming together, the dance would be a blast
It would surely create memories that would last

Homecoming is truly the dance of the year
We felt that to the students, this just wasn't clear
A lack of enthusiasm at first brought us down
Little did we know how the ticket sales would bound!

The night of the dance was finally here
We anticipated 7, when the guests would appear
Everyone danced, and they had a ball
But soon enough, we had no food at all

When it was all over, we were so drained
After all of our toil, our effort and pain
Although it wasn't perfect, we knew not to sob
Regardless, we agreed that we'd done a good job

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Schedule Shifting"

September began, and so did senior year
My schedule was perfect, I had nothing to fear
Little did I know there was a mistake
I would have to find some new classes to take

The schedule I received on the last day of school
Ended up turning me into a fool
In the middle of summer, my schedule got changed
"This schedule isn't right, I must rearrange!"

On my schedule I had bio then sociology
But for the purpose of lab days, this just couldn't be
So my schedule was changed so my free was last
But now I had cooking, this wouldn't pass!

So many electives I wanted to take
Cooking wasn't one of them, for goodness sake!
So last period free I did sacrifice
Just to have a schedule that would turn out nice

Second period free and creative writing fifth
This is something that I could deal with
Now gym is last, so there is no concern
Of showing up to class sweaty and trying to learn

My only worry is after period two
I must be punctual, this is nothing new
My teacher, in front of the class she will stand
As I take my seat, pen and binder in hand