Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Decisions, Decisions"

They asked "Are you going on the 'Challenge' trip?" 
"Yes!", I said. This was something I couldn't skip!
But unfortunately, one thing I didn't yet know,
That day was immediate decision for Ramapo.

School always comes first, that goes with out saying.
Instead of making my decision, I kept delaying.
I hadn't yet written my essay for that school,
And I didn't want to rush it and look like a fool.

Maybe it would be better to apply a different time,
But skipping this chance felt like such a crime.
Soon I got called down to the guidance office.
I knew they'd get mad if I decided to miss.

However, they had some good news to tell.
I could do both things, this turned out well!
I would go to immediate decision first.
And then on the trip, it could've been worse.

This would turn out to be a pretty good day,
But how nervous I was is hard to convey.
However, that feeling was soon intercepted
By a feeling of joy, I got accepted!

The rest of the day turned out to be fun.
Looking back, I wish that we'd won.
But overall, my day had been good.
The importance of decisions was now understood!


  1. Congratulations on getting accepted to Ramapo! I'm glad it worked out for you that you could to both things! :)

  2. I enjoyed the poem and was a bit jealous because I was not able to go to the challenge since I decided to stay for immediate decision. Anyways congrats on getting accepted and I'm glad you didn't miss out!

  3. I'm happy you got into Ramapo! I also thought going on the Challenge was fun.
