Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Schedule Shifting"

September began, and so did senior year
My schedule was perfect, I had nothing to fear
Little did I know there was a mistake
I would have to find some new classes to take

The schedule I received on the last day of school
Ended up turning me into a fool
In the middle of summer, my schedule got changed
"This schedule isn't right, I must rearrange!"

On my schedule I had bio then sociology
But for the purpose of lab days, this just couldn't be
So my schedule was changed so my free was last
But now I had cooking, this wouldn't pass!

So many electives I wanted to take
Cooking wasn't one of them, for goodness sake!
So last period free I did sacrifice
Just to have a schedule that would turn out nice

Second period free and creative writing fifth
This is something that I could deal with
Now gym is last, so there is no concern
Of showing up to class sweaty and trying to learn

My only worry is after period two
I must be punctual, this is nothing new
My teacher, in front of the class she will stand
As I take my seat, pen and binder in hand


  1. Tee hee. I love your class after period 2. ;)

  2. This poem has so much rhythm I love it..your rhyming makes me laugh! Such a good poem that I'm sure a lot of others can relate to.
