Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Loyola Loyalty"

April had started and that's when I knew
I had to narrow my college options down to a few.
By the end of the month there would only be one:
And that's where I'd go, "Well this should be fun..."

By the middle of April, a decision I lacked,
Between TCNJ and Quinnipiac.
The money situation confused me the most--
But did I want to go somewhere far away or close?

Soon after this, there was a turn of events
As a financial aid package from Loyola was sent.
Upon review, my dad decided we must take a trip,
And into the lineup, Loyola did slip.

So we visited Loyola in Baltimore,
Hearing information and going on a tour.
Both of my parents were extremely impressed,
And now my decision would cause even more stress.

I thought I had decided where I wanted to go:
Quinnipiac, for sure, my parents wouldn't say no!
However, the situation soon became clear:
"Loyola, Jack! You HAVE TO go here!"

The money I was offered, we couldn't refuse,
So in the end, I figured I had nothing to lose.
After all, as both of my parents had said,
"You can always transfer!"... that stayed in my head.

As everyone knows, it is the first of May
That is known as "National Decision Day".
What schools people chose will be interesting to see:
It's Loyola University Maryland for me!

1 comment:

  1. I was in the same situation as you! I remember your our parents talking at our track meet about how we still didn't know where we were going. But I'm glad you made your decision! Hopefully you like it there!
