Monday, May 13, 2013

"Senior Service Struggle"

An opportunity that nobody seems to want to miss
Is the option to leave school for senior service.
It seems that all of my classmates, especially my friends  
Want to escape the high school before the school year ends.

Maybe leaving school early wouldn't be bad,
But when I thought about it more, I started to get sad.
Leaving the place I've been for the last four years
Is a bittersweet feeling, I'm holding back tears.

After careful thought and consideration,
I decided to do it, and picked a location.
I'd work with Mr. Bliss, a middle school teacher,
But then I found out what my transcript had to feature.

I had to have taken a specific class for that form of service.
I thought "Now what?" and started to get nervous.
Tomorrow's Teachers was a class I didn't take,
And because of that senior service was a stake.

I quickly thought of a great alternative,
To spend the time that I was willing to give.
The Senior Center located right in town,
And with that I turned my frown upside-down!

I contacted the director, as I was told to,
And she told me we could set up an interview!
All that's left to do is to pick a date,
So please wish me luck, I'll make sure I'm not late!

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