Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Day Camp Drama"

It's hard to look past the month that's ahead,
Especially considering how fast time has sped.
However, with no money and no bank to rob,
I began to consider a new summer job.

With some research and consideration, I found some good ones.
I didn't know which was best, but they all sure looked fun.
Then I narrowed it down like I knew that I should,
 to Spring Lake Day Camp, located in Ringwood!

I went and I filled out the online application,
I had decided that Ringwood was the perfect location.
This was all that I had to do,
And they emailed me to schedule an interview.

We picked out a day and time that I'd arrive,
And my good friend Nick offered to drive.
We both had interviews scheduled that day,
And I was quite nervous, asking "What do I say?!"

The interview went well, I didn't have to worry,
But I wanted their decision to come in a hurry.
I still haven't found out if I have been hired,
And the stress of it all has been making me tired.

In about a week, I should definitely know
If I will spend my summer "rolling in the dough".

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Senior Service Struggle"

An opportunity that nobody seems to want to miss
Is the option to leave school for senior service.
It seems that all of my classmates, especially my friends  
Want to escape the high school before the school year ends.

Maybe leaving school early wouldn't be bad,
But when I thought about it more, I started to get sad.
Leaving the place I've been for the last four years
Is a bittersweet feeling, I'm holding back tears.

After careful thought and consideration,
I decided to do it, and picked a location.
I'd work with Mr. Bliss, a middle school teacher,
But then I found out what my transcript had to feature.

I had to have taken a specific class for that form of service.
I thought "Now what?" and started to get nervous.
Tomorrow's Teachers was a class I didn't take,
And because of that senior service was a stake.

I quickly thought of a great alternative,
To spend the time that I was willing to give.
The Senior Center located right in town,
And with that I turned my frown upside-down!

I contacted the director, as I was told to,
And she told me we could set up an interview!
All that's left to do is to pick a date,
So please wish me luck, I'll make sure I'm not late!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Loyola Loyalty"

April had started and that's when I knew
I had to narrow my college options down to a few.
By the end of the month there would only be one:
And that's where I'd go, "Well this should be fun..."

By the middle of April, a decision I lacked,
Between TCNJ and Quinnipiac.
The money situation confused me the most--
But did I want to go somewhere far away or close?

Soon after this, there was a turn of events
As a financial aid package from Loyola was sent.
Upon review, my dad decided we must take a trip,
And into the lineup, Loyola did slip.

So we visited Loyola in Baltimore,
Hearing information and going on a tour.
Both of my parents were extremely impressed,
And now my decision would cause even more stress.

I thought I had decided where I wanted to go:
Quinnipiac, for sure, my parents wouldn't say no!
However, the situation soon became clear:
"Loyola, Jack! You HAVE TO go here!"

The money I was offered, we couldn't refuse,
So in the end, I figured I had nothing to lose.
After all, as both of my parents had said,
"You can always transfer!"... that stayed in my head.

As everyone knows, it is the first of May
That is known as "National Decision Day".
What schools people chose will be interesting to see:
It's Loyola University Maryland for me!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Lenten Rule-Bender"

One could not imagine the time that I spent
Figuring out what to give up for Lent.
The frustration of it nearly moved me to tears,
Well what had I given up in previous years?

I knew that I had given up soda before,
But I really don't drink it that much anymore.
I decided to make that the first thing on my list,
Along with at least one thing that I'd truly miss.

While deciding on another food that would be forsaken,
I thought of how often I get cravings for bacon.
Bacon is the second thing I chose to sacrifice.
However, I ended up eating it twice.

There had been one thing that sat in the back of my mind--
I would give up eating ice cream of any kind.
Upon reflection, I realized that this couldn't be,
For ice cream was one thing that was too dear to me.

It seems that in the end, all my effort went to waste,
I could not keep myself from all these great tastes.
Next year, I will pick one single thing to surrender,
Then I won't be a Lenten rule-bender.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Softball vs Track: The Final Decision"

It's that time of year, for a decision to be made.
The difficulty of this challenge has yet to fade.
In fact, as I hesitate longer and longer,
The impact of the decision seems to get stronger.

Now I must choose which sport I will play,
So when people ask me, I'll know what to say.
Here is the question-- softball or track?
The answer to this is just what I lack.

So do I join a team that will make it to states?
Or should I, in four events, participate?
As of right now, the thing that I fear,
Is that the choice will never be clear.

I'll try out for softball, and then I'll decide
Through which sport I want to convey my Knights pride.
Do I want to stick with fielding and hitting,
Or would running and jumping be more fitting?

As I sit here and think, I almost start to tear.
This will be the last sport of my high school career.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

"ShamWow, Rutabaga, Penguin"

The University of New Haven had sent me a letter,
And I was accepted, things couldn't be better.
This was in the end of November,
But recently there was something else I remembered.

The Honors Program required an application.
Unfortunately, I resorted to procrastination.
On the ides of January, the application was due
But I waited until last minute-- that was nothing new.

A teacher recommendation I was able to get,
but the essay portion was what I couldn't forget.
Selection of one of two options was mandatory,
So the option I chose was to write a short story.

The requirements for this essay were unique,
And I was unaware of the havoc it would wreak.
Included in the contents of the story somehow,
should be the words: rutabaga, penguin, and ShamWow.

You'd think that writing this story would be fun,
but I was more than happy to be done.
I didn't think that my story was that great,
Writing under pressure is something I hate.

However, the other day, I received a phone call.
I guess my essay was fine, after all!
My application was reviewed, and I had gotten in!
All I can say is: "ShamWow, rutabaga, penguin".